WildThings Plant Farm

Welcome to WildThings Plant Farm...
Upcoming events:
August 4, 2014 - What the "H"!
August 30, 2014- Monster Plant Sale
*For more details search under events
Here you will find a well-grown stock of ornamental perennial and annual plants, shrubs and trees well-suited to this area, plus numerous display gardens that will help you to see just how lovely these plants could be in your own setting and how easy they are to grow. We help customers choose the right plants for the garden they want.
There are no cookie cutter solutions to garden. But there is joy from the beauty you can create. It doesn't matter how black your three thumbs are; gardening is not rocket science. Plants in out collection are chosen for their beauty, vigour, hardiness, and garden-worthiness. Specialties include clematis, hosta and native plants. We have a huge selection of plants to choose from. Many visitors enjoy the atmosphere here so much that they spend the entire day, and will return often throughout the season to see what is new in the gardens and on the tables.
Participating member of Butter Tarts and Buggies!