Plaque #H29 Heritage Home
154 Webb St S, Harriston

Built in 1878
Builder / First Owner: Fredrick J. Bushell
Occupation: Brick Layer
Brief History:
After the house was built in 1878 the first tenant residing here was George Gerling, flax miller, who shared the residence with Mr. Bushell. One particularly interesting owner was Levi Wesley, who left the Saugeen Reserve and settled in Harriston. He was known throughout southern Ontario for his home remedies and Liniments which cured many. The bottles and containers wore the label `The Indian Herbalist`.
Former Owners: 1878 Fred J. Bushell, 1882 Wm. Lang, 1901 Albert Lang, 1920 Archibald McKillop, 1920 Levi Wesley, in the Wesley family until 1991 to Irwin H. & Alberta B. Pfeffer